Equity & Inclusion training, Life Coaching & Counseling
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Engaging Across Difference currently offers two Retreats
What we are set to embark on is a journey of healing, humanity, and love. We will do a deep dive on our personal and collective journeys where race is concerned, for without knowing how we got where we are, we simply cannot move forward together as one. We will then uncover how those journeys have manifested (both inwardly and outward-facing) over the whole
of your business, church, organization, family or friend group. These discoveries may be painful, but will be done in a way to protect the most vulnerable and to move the group together in love.
We will complete a number of healing activities that run deep and wide but deliver the healing necessary for unity and progress. There will be opportunities for affinity spaces, one-on-one coaching, and group coaching.
Have you ever wanted to hear Kimberlee speak in person? Wish you could ask her all of those questions you had while reading the book? Want to grow and learn even more? If you answered yes to any of these questions, check out our the Dear White Woman Retreat! Join us for an amazing weekend of learning, fun, immediate actionable takeaways, healing, laughing, bonding, growing, and truth telling!
The Dear White Woman Retreat is typically one and a half to two days.
*This retreat is for those who identify as white women.